Retirement plagues us all. Am i saving enough money for retirement? What will happen if i’m not covered? How can i retire and still keep my same style of living? Though typically a Retirement Insurance is set up for you and your spouse and Life Insurance is set up for your beneficiaries, Life Insurance can still be used as one way to plan for your personal retirement, but there may be some extra costs involved in doing so.

Using Life Insurance to Help Plan Your Financial Future:

With life insurance, you can help your loved ones find peace of mind knowing you’ve helped secure their financial future. There are many types of insurance policies that can be used to supplement retirement such a a permanent life insurance policy, which may hold a tax advantage for you but at a cost. Many financial advisors advise against this option due to the costly way to invest, but in some cases, its recommended depending on income and status.

All these answers and more we can help! Don’t let the stress of retirement worry you. Let us help make sure you’re set for any obstacle that may come your way. Leave the worry to us.

Feel free to email us or give us a call for more information!

16567 W. 151st Street
Olathe, Kansas 66062
Highlights info row image – (913) 871-4040
Highlights info row image – Hours 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM

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