Kids off To College?  Insurance Tips For Parents For Back-To-School.

Although we have seen commercials for weeks now reminding us that it is BACK-TO-SCHOOL time – we often put off preparing until the last minute.  So, as you get your children ready to head off to school this fall, there is one more thing to add to your to-do list:  a review of insurance coverage.

Teen drivers can mean an increase to your insurance premiums.  Remind your teen driver (or college bound student) that good grades can earn you significant saving on the cost of your insurance.  Farmers also offers discounts for teens who take driving safety courses.  College student may be eligible for occasional driver discounts or be removed from your policy all together. Going away to school is an exciting time for both students and their parents.  Making sure you’ve got the right insurance coverage can help you protect your assets as you invest in your child’s future.

Let’s take a look at your auto and homeowners policies and clear up some confusion.

If you are supporting your college student financially, you can still consider them a household member for insurance purposes.  That means they stay on the policy.

If your son or daughter plans on taking the car with them to college, be sure to notify your insurance company of the change in address for the car and driver.  If the car is staying put, you may consider changing your child’s status to an occasional driver.  

Additionally, most college student these days move away from home with more than just their clothes.  They leave with cell phones, lap tops, tablets, and more.  All add up to thousands of dollars and are expensive to replace. Be sure to create an inventory of what your student is taking before they head off to college and what it is worth.  Including receipts, photos, and serial numbers. 

Most standard homeowner insurance policies will cover the personal property your college-bound student takes with them to the dorms.  Coverage is usually capped at 10% of your personal property coverage.  So itemize anything over $1,000 since there is a cap on how much coverage particular items or types of items receive under your policy.

For student renting a house or apartment off-campus, or even a dorm on-campus, a renters insurance policy in their own name is a good idea.  This type of insurance is incredibly affordable.  At around $200 a year, they and you can have peace of mind that their property can be replaced in the case of a break-in, fire or other covered event.

Get the right coverage for you. Ask if you qualify for the most discounts in insurance!

Feel free to email us or give us a call for more information!

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Olathe, Kansas 66062
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