What if Something Happened to the Reservation System You Depend on?
Disaster strikes, your vendor sustains a loss the renders the reservation system you depend on inoperable. Having the right coverage in place will help cover the physical losses or damages your business took, but getting back to fully operational and back to your customers will cost additional time, money and pain.
Unexpected loss from property damage can cause a recession in business, consider the following:
- Possible business income due to loss in revenue cause by your reservation system
- Extra expenses you may incur in order to get your business operational in a timely manner
Have the Right Coverage in Place!
Farmers® Business Income & Extra Expense Reservation System Coverage pays for the actual loss of business income you sustain and necessary extra expenses you incur due to the direct physical loss or damage at the premises of a dependent reservation system caused by or resulting from any covered cause of loss.
Get the right coverage for you. Ask if you qualify for the most discounts in insurance!
Feel free to email us or give us a call for more information!
Olathe, Kansas 66062